llEjectFromLand(key user)

Ejects user from land that you own– user will be automatically unsat if sitting.

Ejecting means pushing upwards and away from your land. This is not hindered by objects; ejected users will go right through them.

Note: when dealing with group land, the object owner must be the group. It won’t work if the object owner is a member or officer in the group; the object itself must be deeded.
This seems to have changed. I’ve just been making a simple security system for a friend, and while testing it, to my surprise, it managed to eject me from the land even though I was still the owner of the object and the land is deeded to a group. I do have full abilities in the group though, and it still doesn’t seem to work for llTeleportAgentHome without the object being deeded. Tested on the 5th of April 2009 on Second Life Server Version –EddyOfarrel

I’ve just found after some more testing that this now also seems to return any object that the person being ejected is sitting on, if they are the owner of it (even if they are the owner of the group that owns the land!). The object return message says it was returned by the group. –EddyOfarrel

Compare with llUnsit and llTeleportAgentHome.

This can be a possible cure to grief or just cause more grief. Be careful with this function!

Safe Example – James Benedek

		llSetTimerEvent(5); //Makes the sensor low lag.


	sensor(integer num_detected)
		if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) //So it Doesn't eject the owner.
		if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(0))) //Checks if AV is over your land.
			llSetObjectDesc(llDetectedKey(0)); //Stores the AV key incase it ejects the wrong person.
			llDialog((string)llGetObjectDesc(),"WARNING! you will be ejected from this land in 10 Seconds if you are still here!",["OK"],0); //Will dialog a warning message to the AV over your land.
			llSleep(10); //Sleeps the script 10 seconds.
			llEjectFromLand((string)llGetObjectDesc()); //Ejects the AV over your land.