About Brayla…

Brayla in Opensim

I started out in MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, and then I heard about Second Life.  I made an account there in 2009.  My main interest is building – I love creating structures and clothing items.  I got interested in scripting as a means to create interactivity in my objects.  In March of 2013, I created Brayla on the Opensim world of Kitely.  I created the interactive Social Photo Studio, learning OSSL and LSL using the various wikis I could find, my favorite of these was lslwiki.net.  Unfortunately, it closed, so now I am recreating it here in accordance with their original content license.  I WELCOME contributions from the community.  Make an account here and any help will be appreciated.

You may contact me anytime via our Google+ group,


or once you have an account, you may contact me below:

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