
A string is a sequence of characters limited in length only by available memory. Strings are enclosed in quotation marks (“). LSL uses UTF-8 for its encoding standard for strings. Example: string foo = “bar”; // this defines a string named...


Instead of arrays, LSL uses lists. The list type is exactly what it sounds like: a heterogeneous list of the other data types. Lists are created via comma-separated values (CSV) of the other data types. enclosed by square brackets: “[” and “]”....


The key type is a specialized string, a unique identifier that can be used to reference objects, inventory items and agents in Second Life. Sometimes also referred to as UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier), UID, or asset-ID, a key can be represented as a string of...


A variable is an identifier or name of a place to store information in a script. The process of creating a variable is called “variable declaration”, “declaring a variable” or “defining a variable”. A variable always has a type...


A rotation is a variable type comprising 4 floats used together as a single item. This data is interpreted as a quaternion. As with vectors, each component can be accessed via ‘.x’, ‘.y’, ‘.z’, and ‘.s’ (not...