
 A do-while loop is similar to a while loop, but the order in which the parts are executed is different. Format do { statements } while (condition);   Example do { llSay(0, “monkey!”); } while (monkeysRemain()); This code will say...

Flow Control

Flow control statements control when and where code is executed (how it flows). The following keywords are parts of LSL flow control. Keyword Purpose if-else Execute some statements if a condition is true, other statements otherwise. while Execute some statements as...


The for loop is used to execute statements while a condition is true, and executes a line of code after each iteration/cycle/step. More commonly, it executes code a certain number of times, and operates a counter to facilitate it. Format: for (initialization; test;...


Execute some statement(s) if a condition is true, else some other statement(s) if it is false. This is essentially the “bread and butter” of coding: the decision making inside a script. if (condition) statement else statement if (condition) {...


jump label A jump is like a goto in other languages. Jumps can be used to alter normal flow control. When a jump occurs, script execution immediately moves to the next statement after the corresponding label definition, skipping intervening code and breaking out...


A return is a value given when exiting a function or event. The return keyword is used for exiting from functions or events. If a function has a return value, all code paths will need to end in a return statement. Note: The term “return value” is used when...